As a local church, Sheffield Community Church (SCC) is purposefully heading into the future fully committed to reaching people with the Good News and turning them into fully devoted followers of Christ. We are completely committed to His mission. We see a church with hundreds of adults and children from different ethnicities and different walks of life. The church is bursting with life with several mission initiatives focused on trasnforming lives, changing our community and extending the Kingdom of God.
The church we envisage has a strong sense of family. Everyone has value and everyone has a part to play in God's great story. In Acts 2: 41-47 we see how the first church in history changed the world. Our desire is to also be a church that makes history and changes the world. The church we envisage is passionate. Celebrations are hallmarked with exuberant praise, intimate worship and inspiring preaching.
Come and join us!

It all start with the Gospel - Jesus came to teach us, and show us, that there’s more to life—a life more fulfilling than any life apart from Him. This life is available right now, today, and He’s made a way for us to experience it. John 10:10; 14:6; Colossians 2:6-7; 3:17-18.
We seek to strengthen the relationships within the body of Christ so that God’s people will love, support, and minister to each other. We desire to be a people who have entered into a place of authentic community and caring relationships that promote strong marriages, healthy and families. (Acts 2:44-47; 1Cor.12:12-27).
People matter to God and therefore they ought to matter to the church. We desire to be a church that has no “walls” separating people culturally, racially, economically, educationally or generationally believing that our expression of the Body of Christ on earth should reflect God’s heart for every nation, kindred, tribe and tongue (Rev. 5:9; 14:6; Acts 11:19-30).
The nature of biblical leadership is service. We believe in the value of servant leadership. True spiritual leaders never stop serving. We believe that excellence on our part echoes the excellence of God and honours Him. No task is below those that serve God. Mark 10:45; John 13.
We believe that for us to fulfil the great commission by evangelism and discipling followers of Christ, we need to build a compelling relational environment through which men and women will have their lives transformed into Christlikeness. We are passionate about faithfulness and fruitfulness in life and and obedience to the Word of God. 2Timothy 2:2; Matthew 28: 19; Philippians 2:20 -22.